Reporters Supporting OBAMA That Tweet on Twitter are usually LIBERAL TWITS!

Posted on 03/25/2011 by


Rayzer Blade says:

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Reporters Supporting OBAMA That Tweet on Twitter are usually LIBERAL TWITS!
(Take a look at this article and U decide!)

@washingtonpost The Washington Post By Perry Bacon Jr., Wednesday, March 16, 8:46 AM: Obama set to leave for Central and South America President Obama will depart Friday for Brazil, opting not to cancel his long-planned trip in the wake of the earthquake in Japan and other major issues that have dominated his attention over the past several weeks.


Here We Go Again!!! VACATION, VACATION, VACATION! Doesn’t Our President have anything on his desk that “We The People” need handled that is more priority than “Another Vacation”?!

I Mean, “My GOD”; I am sure the man is under pressure, but if you just deligate (tell everyone else to “Just Handle It”) and keep just leaving your post to go on vacations every two to three months – WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK NEEDS A JOB CHANGE MR. PRESIDENT?! STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY AND WAKE-UP!!!

Our Country’s JOBs Are The Priority; and you are going on a vacation to visit the very people where you allowed the Oil Platforms to be sent (Brazil) because YOU Would Not Allow Our Country to use these Oil Platforms in Our Deep Waters off of OUR SHORES through Your Oil Morotorium”!? What A Twit Thing To Do!

That’s Right, “Mr. President”; YOU haven’t even settled the Oil Problems In Our Gulf of Mexico, but you’re going to shake the hand of the people YOU Are Giving Our Oil Platform JOBS Too!?

What Kind of “Back-Handed” Liberal/Socialistic Attitude DO YOU HAVE toward Our American Tax-Payers that makes you want to depleat Our Oil Reserves and Drilling capabilities to the point that Our Country will be forced to buy “Other Country’s” Oil just to survive at Our Current Use Ratio?!

On Top of That, YOU; “Mr. President” keep refusing to “Secure Our Borders” by tying-up Our States’ Decisions in Federal Courts?! Twit Twiddling With Twurps!

Between just these two Politically Twurpish Decisions; YOU, “Mr. President” have put the following states just waiting to KICK YOUR ASS OUT OF THE WHITEHOUSE!!!

CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, TEXAS, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, (Not To Hold Back-But the following States will most likely be dealing with oil problems to) SOUTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, and VIRGINIA.

With the fact that YOUR UNION Supporters are going down like flys all around Our Great Country and YOUR OBAMA-CARE has made it to the Federal Courts with around over 22 State Governors against YOUR PLAN and multiple States wanting to “OPT-OUT” of this “DISASTER”; there will not be to many States that want to even bother to see YOU back in the Whitehouse! DO YOU GET MY POINT!

In Addition; YOUR Laxidazical Attitude Towards Muslim Islamic Terrorist; Supporting Guantanamo Bay, Afganistan, Iraq, and Israel: While Shaking Hands with and Showing Support Towards; Venesuala, Cuba, North Korea, and Iran?! THIS IS ALMOST LIKE BEING ATTACKED BY A DOMESTIC SOURCE WITHIN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT! Wait?! IT IS!!!

YOU, “Mr. President” Assisted in making a bad situation worse by YOUR Non-Support of Our Domestic Problems and Refussal to Secure Our Borders from Al-Quida and Mexican Cartell attacks!

YOUR DOMESTIC PLAN SUCKS!!! Almost everyone I met, “Hates” everything YOU ARE DOING!!!

But do one thing for U.S. A.LL, YOU Go on your 6-day vacation, “Mr. President” to visit Chile & El Salvador in South America as a tourist; PLEASE DO NOT Represent U.S. A.LL as Our President! That would just be another embarrisment to The United States of America! GO PLAY GOLF or Something easy! No Speaking Engagements PLEASE!? The Brazilians already know that YOU are supporting their economy with new Oil Rig JOBS by trading Our Oil Rig JOBS to their shores! YOU haven’t had a break since what?! The November vacation to India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan! You must be tired, and with another vacation to Africa planned towards the end of the year. GO FIGURE!? I would be tired of taking Vacations!!!

One Thing is almost for certain: YOUR election back into the Whitehouse in guaranteed a FAILURE! My Vote Will NOT Be A Check-In-The-Box For YOU!!!

Gov. Sarah Palin for President and Spkr Newt Gingrich for Vice President in 2012!

Join U.S. A.LL for the big One-Year Til Our Freedom celebration on this 4th of July, 2011 @ http://PostYourView.Com and http://TwitsThatTweet.Com!